
This is your brain.This is your brain on brain.ed.BAM! Feel that? We're back: new insights, interviews and interlocutions on the way our minds interact with the world. We've gone international and increased our number of hosts by 50%. Catch up on season 1 now, and be sure to subscribe (and steal your friends phones and make them subscribe in whatever way they get their podcasts) so you (and they ha ha!) never miss an episode.

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Season 2--Trailer

Friday May 24, 2019

Friday May 24, 2019

This is your brain.This is your brain on brain.ed.BAM! Feel that? We're back: new insights, interviews and interlocutions on the way our minds interact with the world. We've gone international and increased our number of hosts by 50%. 
Catch up on season 1 now, and be sure to subscribe (and steal your friends phones and make them subscribe in whatever way they get their podcasts) so you (and they ha ha!) never miss an episode.

Minimalism chapter II

Monday Jul 23, 2018

Monday Jul 23, 2018

In this second part of the episode on minimalism we explore how priorities and choices influence our adoption of a minimalistic lifestyle.

Minimalism Chapter I

Thursday Jul 12, 2018

Thursday Jul 12, 2018

Minimalism: the anti-materialism. The minimalist philosophy and lifestyle have won over many who are ill-content with consumption-based materialism. For an idea that supports doing more with less, we ironically had a lot to talk about. So on this episode of Brain.ed, a very non-minimalist two-parter. In episode 1 we explore the gap between what we need and what we have.

Tell me the future

Sunday Jun 24, 2018

Sunday Jun 24, 2018

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign… do this, dont do that, cant you read the sign.” In this episode, our survey asked whether listeners believe in signs from a higher power? Does destiny point the way with semiotic breadcrumbs, or is this belief just a way for people to avoid accepting responsibility?

To have or not to have

Sunday May 27, 2018

Sunday May 27, 2018

On this episode of Brain.ed we examine one of life’s biggest decisions: whether to try to have children. Are people who choose to be child-free merely selfish hedonists? Are children life’s greatest joy, or simply a biological necessity we justify with emotional stories?


Sunday May 13, 2018

Sunday May 13, 2018

On this episode of Brain.ed, we explore the shadowland of dreams, the favorite destination of psychologists and mystics alike. Why do we dream? What do dreams mean, if anything? And the results of our poll where listeners shared their own nocturnal thoughts and habits. We had an interview with Tbird Luv a Transformative Artist working in Shanghai.You can contact Tbird through: Wechat ID: gamechanger4life or

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